Students often get medical examinations of the merchant navy confused with that of the Indian Navy. A lack of information among aspiring cadets results in self-denial and low esteem at an early stage of preparation. That is why it is important for students to go through the eligibility conditions released on DG Shippingโ€™s official website every year or consult a DG Shipping-approved doctor nearby. To know how to find a DG Shipping-approved doctor near your place of residence, read the blog – DG Shipping-approved doctor for seafarers. 

merchant navy
Medical in the Merchant Navy

We receive a lot of questions regarding problems like- Clavicle bone fracture,sweaty palms and many more from students preparing for merchant navy. These are common yet important questions that need to be addressed clearly. Let us have a look at the list of some injuries and know whether you will qualify the medicals or not if you possess any of these.

  1. FLAT FOOT – is a condition where one or both feet have little to no arch. When you stand, the pads of the feet press into the ground. This condition can be due to genes but can also develop later in life due to certain problems like cerebral palsy, diabetes, down syndrome, high blood pressure. 

If you are someone with flat foot condition who is going to sit for medicals in The Merchant Navy and faces no physical constraints while brisk walking, running or performing any cardio activities. Then you will be stated as medically fit by the health practitioner and can join as a seafarer eventually. 

flat foot medical merchant navy
Flat Foot
  1. KNOCK KNEES – is a condition in which the knees tilt inward while the ankles remain spaced apart. In the Merchant Navy, knock knees are allowed on one condition that it should not hamper the physical capabilities of the seafarer. Apart from genetics this condition is also caused due to obesity. As we know, obesity leads to a direct cancellation of candidature in the merchant navy. 
knock knees
Knock knees
  1. SWEATY PALMS – If you are someone who faces the issue of sweaty palms and wondering if this will pose a problem in the medicals of the merchant navy. Then you can relax and stop worrying as the merchant navy qualifies the issue of sweaty palms as eligible. You can join as a seafarer as long as your condition does not interrupt with the daily duties onboard. 
sweaty palms merchant navy
sweaty palms
  1. TATTOO – Yes, you can join the merchant navy even if you have tons of tattoos carved on your skin. But remember, there should be no allergic reactions or any other visible complication due to the tattoos. 
  1. ELBOW ANGLE – The normal carrying angle of the elbow is when your arms are held out at your sides and your palms are facing forward, your forearm and hands should normally be about 5 to 15 degrees away from your body. If you do not have the normal elbow angle, but can perform day to day tasks like lifting, carrying easily then you are eligible for the merchant navy.
elbow angle merchant navy
elbow angle
  1. SINUS – Suppose you have a stuffy nose that is not getting any better. In this case you are having Sinus which is usually caused by cold or allergies. In the Merchant Navy, sinus condition is not allowed. So, if you are suffering from it, get it medically treated by a healthcare professional soon. 
  1. CLAVICLE BONE FRACTURE – It refers to  breaking of the collarbone, one of the bones in the shoulder. If the fracture has been taken care of medically and will not arise to any discomfort while you are on ship, then such a condition is allowed in the merchant navy.
  1. LIGAMENT INJURY / ROD IN LEGS – Suppose a student meets with an unfortunate accident a week before his medical examination for the merchant navy. He suffered a few ligament injuries and had to get a rod placed in his right leg. Now the question arises, will he be able to join the merchant navy in his lifetime? 

In this case, the student will not be eligible for the upcoming medical test as ligament injuries take 6-9 months to heal properly. Once his injuries are healed and he is able to perform daily activities with an ease, he can then attempt for the medicals at that time. At the time of health check up, if the student has a rod in one of his legs but still can perform the activities like running, walking swiftly, he/she is eligible for the merchant navy.

ligament injury merchant navy
ligament injury
  1.  BENT FINGER – This is an example of hand deformity. If there are no present problems related to the grip and lifting, then the candidate is eligible for the merchant navy.
bent finger merchant navy
bent finger
  1.  APPENDICITIS SURGERY – This is performed to remove the appendix from the body. If there are no post-surgery complications, then the candidate is allowed to have this surgery and sit for medicals in merchant navy.
appendicitis surgery merchant navy
appendicitis surgery

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Prasad Shedge

Bowed legs are allowed or not pls tell . I am worried about it .๏ปฟ


Hello chief
If some one is hiv positive so he/she can join the ship

Aman Manwal

Hi Rohit, if someone is HIV Positive then he/she can’t join the Merchant Navy as there will be a risk of infections to other persons also.


Hi sir I am hcv positive. But I have taken a medicine. My hcv is cured . But the antibodies are there in my body .so I can joinn merchant Navy .

Aman Manwal

Hi Banshaj, I can’t say anything about this as it lies outside my forte but I would suggest you to go for expert counselling from our website so that we can understand the problem better and then we will ask the DG Shipping Approved doctor about your case.


I have nose surgery can I join

Aman Manwal

Hi, Srinu, you need to be more specific about your nose surgery, you can call us at 7417349336 to know more about your condition.


Hi sir, I have Deviated Nasal Septum. So can I join merchant vay with that or do I need to have a surgery?

Aman Manwal

Hi Gauri, I suggest you to consult with DG Shipping doctor as he can prescribe the next best possible step to take for your deviated nasal septum.


Hello sir, I have some food allergies and allergy to some dust mites so can I join merchant Navy with that?

Aman Manwal

Hi Gauri, if this food allergy doesn’t create any problem then I cannot see any reason not to join merchant navy, however I suggest that you should consult with a DG Approved doctor before taking any decision for your allergy as well as for deviated nasal septum.

Om Thakur

Hello if someone’s elbow is dislocated and he can do all thing with that hand can he join merchant navy

Aman Manwal

Hey Om, if you are able to lift heavy objects then I don’t think there would be any issue with joining the merchant navy. However it is advised to consult with the DG Shipping certified doctor before going for any course.


what about deviated nasal septum , nasal polyps , cleft lip and palate . None of them cause problem in breathing and in speech.

Aman Manwal

If you do not face any difficulty in breathing then I don’t think there would be any problem. However, you should consider an advice of DG shipping doctor before going further with your decision. You can also check out Medical Series by DG Doctor, Dr. Sooraj Rana to get more information.


Can I work as a marine engineer with lower back and neck pain?


Hi Ashley, if the reason of pain is nothing significant and it is not creating any hindrance then I don’t see any problem in working with the pain. However, if the pain is severe then it is always advised to consult with a medical practitioner first.


i only have one testical with normal size and another with very small size can i be physically approved for merchant navy ?( i am 6’2 rn in the age of 17 and i am fit no fractures as well


Yes parth, there is absolutely no issue in that. You can go for the merchant navy as the medicals there are not that strict.


Can a slipped disc patient join merchant navu


A person who has slipped disc is not able to join merchant navy until that is treated as it will pose hindrance in the regular work of ship.


If I’ll have a slip disc surgery and I’ll be normal to do regular work of ship I’m eligible for merchant navy


Yes after the treatment if there will be no issue in regular work then you can join merchant navy.

Tishu raj

Hi sir
If I have six fingers in both hands then I can join merchant Navy


If you are facing no issue in day to day life then absolutely you are eligible for merchant navy


Good evening sir , I yuvraj this side currently studying as in class 11th non med student an merchant navy aspirant . Now due to some conditions i will be having a surgery cause i have blockage in nerve inside the stomach so after the surgery will i be able to continue as a merchant navy aspirant.


Hi yuvraj, it depends on whether you will be able to do daily task without any problem or not. IF there will be no issue after the surgery then absolutely you can join merchant navy.


like i have came to know i am suffering from median arcuate ligament syndrome in which the the nerve going from intestine to liver is blocked and the treatment is heading from delhi aiims . like after the surgery i will be able to do daily basis work


Hey Yuvraj, if you are able to do daily work after the surgery without any issue then you can go for the merchant navy. However there you should not be under any medications at the time of DG Shipping medicals. In such medical cases, it is always advised to take professional advice first, hence we will revert back with more information after consulting with the DG Shipping doctor.


hey I have cleft lip and cleft plate can I join merchant navy


Hi Arpit, generally what matters the most is the ability to speak clear and without any obstruction, however in your case we will take advice of a DG Shipping doctor and then we will let you know about it.


thanks for letting me know


Hi Arpit, we have asked with a DG Shipping Doctor and according to him you need to correct it surgically before joining the ship. Kindly let us know if there is any other query.


I did had a surgery for it when I was a baby and now there is only a small scar in my upper lip


As long as your condition is resolved and there is no issue in speech, it will be fine. However, at the time of DG Shipping medicals, it would be helpful if you bring a passing certificate stating that your lip surgery does not cause any issue in speech from a specialist.


Hey I m Rajan Chauhan My eye surgery Catract IOL lens can you join merchant Navy Galley department Cook


Yes you can. For more information, you can take the Expert Counseling for the detailed solution based on your condition.

Fidyan Mhaskar

I have done cataract surgery but i it is monofocal lens i have reading glasses can i join engine department (engine cadet)?


Hi Fidyan, after surgery if your eye sight is within the limits approved by DG Shipping for engine side then you can join the merchant navy. For more information about medical eligibility for the eyes, you can check out our free Medical Guidance Series.


Is dust allergy allowed?


Hi Akul, it depends on how severe your allergy is, and your query is quite specific so we require to ask this with DG Shipping doctor before stating anything to you. Once we get an answer, we will share it through the YouTube video.


can i join merchant navy with dust allergy


Hi Akul, it depends on how severe your allergy is, and your query is quite specific so we require to ask this with DG Shipping doctor before stating anything to you. Once we get an answer, we will share it through the YouTube video.


Can you sail with plate and screw in the forearm ?


Hi Darshan, you can’t sail with plate and screw in the forearm.


Thank you ,After removing it, I can ?


Yes Darshan, after removing it if your arms is functioning normally without any hindrance or pain and you are able to carry out normal operations and test with that arms then there’s no issue.


do people with cold allergy join merchant navy ?


Hello Kishan, yes you can join the merchant navy with mild cold allergy, however you have to make sure that this allergy doesn’t hamper the day to day operation of the ship and does not cause any issue to other crew.


Hello sir I don’t have any finger impression ‘s on my all 10 fingers .
The impression is so lite that adhar card machine unable to detect,so it will create any issue in “immigration in other countries”.


Hi Harshal, if you have a passport then Aadhar will not be significant. Immigration department will take the finger biometrics on their electronicย machines

Yash Patil

2 month’s ago my arm got fractured and the surgery is done and the plate is been inserted. Am I physically fit to join merchant Navy?


Hi Yash, until the plate is removed, you can not join the Merchant Navy as it can lead to problems on board.


I have a crush injury in hand so i am able to join merchent navy


Hi Benudhar, if you work fine with that hand and there is no physical limitation then you can join theย Merchantย Navy. However, you need to get it checked to find out whether there is any physical limitation or not.


Hi sir, I have mild cubitus valgus, its not too severe, and i didnt even notice it until someone pointed it out. i can do any normal task like lifting heavy things or stuff. Plus, im doing exercise to increase the gap between my elbows, so it slowly becomes as better as it can be. Can I join merchant navy? Again, there is no obstruction to my daily tasks.


Hi Hrituraj, you need to get fitness certificate from your orthopedic doctor before going for the DG Medicals. Once he declared you fit then you can go for the DG Shipping medical where DG Shipping Doctor will conduct their own tests. If you have any more doubt regarding then you can check that in our free Medical Portal.

Raunak kapur

Is neck hump allowed . A person with neck hump faces problem while medical examination. Because after sponsorship exam . Medical test will happen , so there will chance of rejection


Hi Raunak, you can join the Merchant Navy with neck hump, if there is no physical limitation. If there’s anything that you want to ask about your medical then you can use our free Medical Portal and it will give you solution of your medical related problem.


Sir, are some DG shipping doctors less strict than others? Can you make a video of some suggested DG shipping doctors?


Good evening, sir. I am currently in my last year of mechanical engineering. After that, I want to pursue a GME course and dream of joining the merchant navy as an engine cadet. However, in 9th class, I suffered from left testicle torsion ( left orchiectomy ). Right now, my condition is good, but before preparing for GME, I want to make sure that I am eligible to be considered medically fit.


Hi lucky, you are lucky because we have launched a Medical Calculator which will tell you whether you are eligible to join the Merchant Navy or not. If you don’t find the answer there then we will provide you the answer after consulting with DG Shipping Doctor.


Hi can I join the merchant navy with neck hump


Hi Manan, you can check whether you are eligible to join the Merchant Navy with our Medical Calculator.


Can six fingers man join merchant navy


Hi Nitin, a person with 6 fingers can join the Merchant Navy as long as he is able to do all the regular tasks like grabbing handles, objects or ladders normally without any difficulty.


Hi chief ,
Can I join merchant army if even if my leg is arch legs.

shreyash gupta

i have knock kness by birth and i was never obese in my life and i am fortunately a long distance runner even even winnings medal district and states competitions like 800m,1500m and 3000m race.i have never ever a problem in walking or running in my life , so you how my body is so do i have to go for any sergury ?


Hi Shreyash, there’s no need to go for surgery if you are able to do daily activities without any issue. Considering the fact that you have won many races, you won’t need any surgery. You can also check any Medical Query with our Merchant Navy Medical Calculator.

shreyash gupta

-1 and -1.25 power specs are allowed in bsc or dns? my doctor told me not to go for surgery as recomendation because people do get dry eyes problem after lasik surgery


Hi Shreyash, for merchant navy doctors measure the vision of your eye for example 6/6, 6/12, 6/9 etc. So, you need to measure your vision instead of power and then check the Eyesight requirement for the Merchant Navy with our Merchant Navy Medical Calculator.

shreyash gupta

can i join for bsc course in college with specs and then get surgery? or i have to get surgery before joining college


You can talk with the college about this, if they allow it then you can go for the LASIK after getting admission in college. Again, you need to check your vision instead of power of eye and then take any decision.