Dangerous Cargo Endorsement (DCE) | DCE Fees & How to Apply 

1:- What is a Dangerous Cargo Endorsement/ DCE

  • Dangerous Cargo Endorsement refers to the declaration of support or approval for someone or something.
  • In simple words, a Dangerous Cargo Endorsement (DCE) is a certification or authorization allowing Merchant Navy Professionals to work onboard Vessels that carry goods classified as Marine Dangerous Goods according to the IMDG Code
  • In some countries, Dangerous Goods may also be referred to as Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT).
  • The DC Endorsement is issued by a seafarer’s home country government for handling hazardous cargo.
  • The Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate is valid for 5 Years after which it has to be renewed.

If you want to learn more about DCE and related information you can check out our free DG Shipping Guidance Series and get to know more about necessary documents for seafarers.

DG Shipping Guidance Series

2:- Types of Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

Types of Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

The Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate can be divided into two types:

  1. Basic Dangerous Cargo Endorsement
    • For Oil & Chemical Tankers
    • For Gas Tankers
  2. Advanced Dangerous Cargo Endorsement
    • For Oil Tankers
    • For Chemical tankers
    • For Gas Tankers

3:- Who Needs Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate

The IMDG Code has Classified Dangerous Goods into 9 Classes. This has been done for the proper Handling, Packaging, stowage, and labeling of such goods. The following Merchant Navy Personnel are required to have a DC Endorsement Certificate:

  1. Basic Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate: Ratings, Cadets, First Time Tanker Sailing Officers. This is a Basic requirement for sailing in Oil/Chemical/Gas Tankers. This is the Dangerous Cargo Endorsement for freshers.
  2. Advanced Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate: Master, Officers, Experienced Crew.

In short, everybody working onboard an Oil/Chemical/Gas tanker needs to have a Dangerous Cargo Endorsement done.

3.1:- Importance of Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate

  1.  Regulatory Compliance: A dangerous cargo certificate confirms a seafarer’s competence in managing maritime dangerous goods in compliance with IMO regulations, ensuring safety and smooth sailing in international waters.
  2. Familiarization with Dangerous Goods Operation: No matter the rank, the DC Endorsement Certificate ensures that 
  3. Emergency Preparedness: Seafarers have to undergo training related to dangerous goods according to the rules established by the administration. Proper Training makes sure that they are ready to tackle an emergency related to Dangerous Goods
  4. Enhanced Reputation: For the Seafarer and the Shipping Company, a good reputation means business. When a Ship and its crew show good competence related to Dangerous Cargo Handling, it enhances both party’s reputation
  5. Increased Opportunities: A dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate adds to a Seafarer’s Skillset and also increases their employability.

4:- Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Fees

Here, We have provided the Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Fees for Various ranks. This is a comprehensive List:

Sr No.Type of DCEDC Endorsement Fees
1Basic Dangerous Cargo EndorsementFree of Cost
2DC Endorsement  renewal for Basic ( Level I )₹3000
3DC Endorsement for Advanced (Level II)₹4500

5:- Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Eligibility

  1. Complete the OCTCO Course.
  2. Finish LGTF Course.
  3. Ensure the photo and signature are updated.
  4. Provide scanned CDC.
  5. Ensure CDC validity.

6:- How to Apply for DCE

Step 1: Go to DG Shipping Website -> E-Governance

How to apply for DC Endorsement

Step 2: Log in with your User ID and Password 

How to apply for DC Endorsement

Step 3: Click on the link that says ‘Update Seafarer Profile’

How to Apply for DC Endorsement

Step 4: Click on the ‘COP’ tab and select ‘ Check the Eligibility’

Step 5: Select from the drop-down menu ‘DC Basic Oil & Chemical’ or ‘DC Basic Liquified Gas’ and click on the ‘continue’.

Step 6: Check the Documents to be uploaded

Once you complete step 6, you will be shown a list of documents that you to upload. The ones that have not been uploaded will appear in red.

How to DC Endorsment

Step 7: Click on the ‘Documents tab’ and select ‘Upload Documents’

Upload the following documents in proper format:

1. Self-attested scanned copy of Passport (first, and last two pages) in pdf.

2. Self-attested scanned copy of CDC in pdf. 

Step 8: After submitting all documents, come back to the COP Eligibility section

You will now be able to apply for DC endorsement. Click on ‘apply now’

The Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate should be available within 2-3 working Days.

Step 9: Generate DC Endorsement Certificate from Indos/COP Checker

Within 2-3 Working days, you should be able to view and generate your DC Endorsement Certificate using the Indos/COP Checker.

In the Search drop-down menu, select ‘COP- DC Basic’. Enter your Indos Number and Birth Date. 

Voila! You will be able to get your Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificate now.

How to apply for DC Endorsement

7:- Eligibility to apply for Advanced Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

  • Candidate should have a Certificate of Competency at Management or Operational Level.
  • Candidate should have completed the Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) course.
  • Candidate should have completed a specialized training program on oil/chemical/ Liquified Gas Tanker
  • 3 Months Experience at the operational level


  • 6 Months Experience at trainee officer level for the specific type of Tanker applied for in the last 60 Months(5 Years).

8:- STCW Courses Required for Advanced Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

Sr. No.TypeCourse Name
1STCW Modular CoursesAdvanced Fire FightingRefresher AFF (If Applicable)
2Oil TankerSimulator Liquid Cargo Handling- Oil- Management Level (LCHS)
Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations (TASCO)
3Chemical TankerAdvanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations (CHEMCO)
4Liquified Gas TankerAdvanced Training for Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (GASCO)

9:- How to Apply for Advanced DC Endorsement?

Step 1: Go to DG Shipping Website -> E-Governance

How to apply for advanced DC Endorsement?

Step 2: Log in with your User ID and Password

How to apply for DC Endorsement?

Step 3: Under the ‘Seafarer’ section, Click on ‘DC Endorsement GMDSS Radio Operator’

Step 4: Click on ‘Application for DC Endorsement for Advanced ( Level II )’

Step 5: Check and Fill necessary details

Step 6: Click on ‘Generate Application No.’:

The following documents should be readily available for uploading specified Format:

1 Scan copy of the signed online application

2 Passport size (3.5 cm X 3.5 cm), photograph with clear white background face covering 70%

3 Scanned signature of seafarer

4 Scanned Modular Course Certificate in one pdf file.

5 Certificate from the company should mention the name of the Oil, Chemical, and Gas cargo carried along with their grade

6 Self-attested scanned copy of CDC booklet pages showing relevant sea services. 

Step 7: Pay Fees and Print Acknowledgement:

Step 8: Press ‘Home’ on the topmost right-hand corner and click on ‘DC Endorsement GMDSS Radio Operator’

Step 9: Click on Pay ‘CoC & CoP Fees. Upload Documents and View Status’

Step 10: Under ‘Document Upload Status’ Column, Click on ‘Upload Documents’

Step 11: Continuously Check the Status by clicking on the ‘CoC & CoP Fees. Upload Documents and View Status’

10:- Key Takeaways about Dangerous Cargo Endorsement

  1. You must have completed the required courses and obtained the necessary training as per dangerous goods regulations.
  2. Endorsement certificates/training differ based on the vessel type: petroleum, chemicals, or liquid gas. Consider this before applying for endorsement.
  3. The certificates and qualifications required for a dangerous cargo endorsement certificate vary depending on the seafarer’s position. For instance, according to India’s dangerous goods regulations, crew members applying for a DC endorsement must have certification in a primary tanker course, in addition to mandatory documents such as CDC, PP, and INDOS numbers.
  4. According to IMO guidelines, your DC endorsement certificate stays valid only as long as your Certificate of Competence remains valid. So, before applying for an endorsement certificate, make sure to check the validity of your Certificate of Competence.
  5. Various governments have different eligibility criteria for DC endorsements. Before you apply for an endorsement, be sure to check if you meet those criteria.
  6. When collecting your endorsement certificate, remember to bring original copies of all the attached documents.
  7. Always double-check the information filled out on the endorsement form for accuracy. Neglecting this step could render you ineligible for endorsement.
  1. What documents do I need for a DC endorsement?

STCW Modular Course Certificate, Scanned Photograph, Scanned Passport, Scanned Signature, CDC, etc are some of the documents required for Dangerous Cargo Endorsement.

  1. How do I download a DC endorsement?

The DC Endorsement can be easily downloaded from the DG Shipping website by logging in to your seafarer’s profile

  1. How long is the dangerous cargo endorsement valid?

Both Basic and Advanced Dangerous Cargo Endorsement Certificates once issued, are valid for a period of 5 Years.

  1. What are the different types of dangerous cargo endorsement?

The two types of Dangerous Cargo Endorsement are Basic DCE & Advanced DCE.

  1. What is the fee for oil DC renewal?

The Fee for Dangerous Cargo Endorsement renewal is Rs. 3000

  1. How do I check the status of my DC endorsement?

The Statues of the Dangerous Cargo Endorsement can be checked through the Indos/COP Checker

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Sir, previously Ihad Basic Chemical DC. Since I did not sail on Chemical vessels I couldn’t renew it. But now I want to switch to Chemical Tankers, hence I did OCTO course to obtain Basic Chemical DC. As per DG Basic DC is free, then what is the meaning of Basic DC renewal option and charge 3000.

I am waiting for my certificate to update since 5 days. Status is showing “Issuance of certificate is under process”


Hi Sameer, we will update you on the charges of 3000, for now we can only tell you that certificate updating takes some time. So, wait for at least 10 days and then let us know if it is still showing “Under Process”.


Hi. My Advance level DC for chemical tanker expiring in march 2025. But last 5 years i have not sailed in any chemical tankers. Is it possible to renew my Advance level DC


Hi Dinesh, you need to repeat your course again.

Nikil yadav
