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What is DG Shipping?

The DG Shipping of India is a government body that regulates shipping policies, their implementation, rules, and regulations, promotes maritime education and ensures the safety of the marine environment from Ships and the maritime industry. It is also responsible for the development of coastal authorities, operational authorities, and necessary certification.


Why Important DG Shipping

  • Issuing licenses to Seafarers
  • Continuous Discharge Certificate(CDC)
  • Seafarers Identification Document(SID)
  • Certificate of Competency(CoC)
  • Issuing certificates to Seafarers
  • Standard of Training and Certification of watch keeping(STCW)
  • Dangerous Cargo Enforcement Certificate (DCE)
  • Inspecting Ships
  • Port State Control Inspection

  • Flagship Control Inspection
  • Protecting the rights and welfare of Indian Seafarers
  • Minimum age 
  • Medical qualification
  • Qualification of seafarers
  • Seafarers employment agreement 
  • Use of licensed recruitment and placement service 
  • Hours of work or rest
  • Manning levels for the ship
  • Accommodation


DG Shipping E-Learning

  • DG Shipping introduces e-learning to seafarers to access courses and resources conveniently from their devices, refer to this link (DG SHIPPING E-LEARNING LINK)
  • Seafarers can now directly login to the E-Learning Portal to access all the courses.
    • Modular courses
    • Competency Courses

Difference between Modular and Competency Courses


Modular Course 

Competency Course


Specific training on a particular topic.

Building Competence for specific job roles. 


Focus on a single aspect of maritime operations. 

Detailed coverage of various subjects. 


Usually 6 to 32 hours

Usually 10 to 44 hours. 

Pass Marks

60% to 70%

60% to 70%

Target Audience

All Seafarers

Officers & crew members for specific roles. 

Table of Contents

How to Login for E-learning Course

Here are the steps to access the e-learning platform on the DG Shipping website:

Step 1 :  Visit the DG Shipping website (

Step 2 :  Click on the “E-Learning” section.

Step 3 :Select the desired modular course from the available options

Step 4 : Click on “Enroll Now” for the chosen e-learning STCW module course.

Step 5 : Provide the necessary details, including your INDos number, date of birth, and course name and then click on Verify.

Step 6 : Verify your name and other details before submitting the enrollment.

Step 7 : Upon successful enrollment, you will receive a login username and password in your registered mail id. 

Step 8 : Verify your name and other details before submitting the enrollment.

Step 9 : Fill in the provided username and password in the respective fields.

Step 10 : Follow the instructions to activate your webcam for picture verification.

Step 11 : Start the course, and engage in the e-learning modules. 

Step 12 :Upon completion of the course, there will be an option to exit the course.

Step 13 : After completion, you will receive a digital certificate as proof of course completion.

How to Download STCW Certificate?

Step 1) Go to DG and click on the INDoS/CoP Checker at the left side of the page. 

Step 2) Select STCW Course from the list of Other’s Option and fill all the necessary details in the page.  

Step 3) A page will open up that will show all the courses that you have done, you can click on “View” option to access the download option.

List of some Modular courses and Competency courses

Competency Courses

Course Name

Course ID

Minimum e-Learning Study Hours

Minimum Pass Mark

Vertical Integration Course for Trainers (VICT)




Assessment, Examination, and Certification of Seafarers (AECS)




Passenger Ship Familiarisation Course (PSFC)




Passenger Ship Safety Course (PSSC)




Company Security Officer (CSO)




Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO)




Bridging Course EO to ETO (BETO)




Basic Training for Ships Using Fuels Covered Within the IGF (IGFB)




Advanced Training for Ships Using Fuels Covered Within the IGF (IGFA)




Modular Course

Course Name

Course ID

Minimum e-Learning Study Hours

Minimum Pass Mark

Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations (GASCO)




Medical Care (MC)




Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)




Medical First Aid (MFA)




Ship Security Officer (SSO)




Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)




For more information refer to this link 

DG Shipping Exit Exam

DG Shipping offers modular and competency courses and to get an e-certificate of the completion of the course, you need to appear for the exit exam. These courses are essential for maritime professionals, covering topics required for safe efficient operation at sea. Completion of these courses is mandatory to appear for the exit exam. Failing the exams will lead to re-examination with the re-submission of examination fees.

What is e-Governance?

E governance protect the right of Indian Seafarers and security, e-Governance Initiatives by DG Shipping (Directorate General of Shipping) allow user to access these:

  1. INDoS online
  2. Anti piracy escort 
  3. Seafarers Registration
  4. e-Governance related information to all Seafarer/Stakeholders
  5. Online Competency Written Examination
  6. INDoS Registration for Indian Navy



INDoS online checker

Online registration for Indian seafarers, keeping track of their qualifications and employment history, ensuring their rights are protected and they meet required standards.

Anti-piracy escort

Security support for vessels in piracy-prone regions, protecting Indian seafarers and ensuring their safety during voyages.

Seafarers Registration

Registration of seafarers with DG Shipping, maintaining records of qualifications and certifications, promoting safety and compliance with regulations.

Online Competency Written Examination/ Exit exam 

Conducting competency exams online for seafarers seeking certifications, ensuring their skills and knowledge meet required standards, contributing to professional growth and industry safety.

INDoS Registration for Indian Navy

Extending INDoS registration to Indian Navy personnel, managing their qualifications and certifications, enhancing efficiency and security in naval maritime operations.

DG Shipping BSID

BSID is a biometric seafarer’s identity card which is an official identification document issued to seafarers to serve as proof of their identity and professional qualifications. It is an internationally recognized document that enables seafarers to travel and work on ships worldwide.

BSID works as a document of proof that holds the record of every certification, their identity, to professional qualifications. Without BSID, any seafarer can’t get on the ship. It is one of the main documents stated by DG Shipping.

How to apply SID?

Step 1:- Before proceeding, you must familiarise yourself with the general instructions and collect the necessary documents. Click here 

Step 2:- Login to the SID portal with your INDOS number and the password on this website

Step 3:- Click on the Link “Apply for SID

Step 4:- Verify the personal information in the form and click to continue.

Step 5:- Fill in the address details and click continue

Step 6:- Verify other details and click continue

Step 7:- Make payment through the e-payment portal

Step 8:- Submit the application

Step 9:- Click on “Schedule Appointment” on the screen to schedule an appointment.

Step 10:- Print acknowledge slip and report that will have all the necessary information.

BSID Checker

A Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC), also called a Seafarer’s Book, is like an ID for people who work on ships. It shows they are trained and certified seafarers and lists their qualifications, experience, and training. The CDC is given by the country where the ship is registered to make sure it follows safety rules. Seafarers must have their CDC while on the ship to show who they are and that they are qualified. They need to renew every 10 years by meeting certain requirements and keeping up with their qualification.

DG Shipping CDC

It is a portal where you can check the status of your SID and all the necessary details regarding the Seafarer’s Identity Document. 

With that, it also tells us the validity of the SID, CDC Number, SID Number, and much more. To check the necessary details of your SID you can click on this link:-

How to Apply for CDC?

Step 1) Go to DG Shipping Website to apply for CDC.  

Step 2) Login into the account with your INDoS ID and password. 

Step 3) Click on CDC Management & CoC as Cook. 

Step 4) Once opened, click on CDC Application for the new CDC. 

Step 5) Fill up the form and submit the necessary details.

Step 6) Next step is the payment.

Step 7) Once you apply, the authority will review your application. 

Step 8) Once it gets confirmed, you will receive the mail for the CDC. 

DG Shipping CDC Checker

Seafarers can verify the validity of their CDC, a crucial document that proves their eligibility to work on ships, using the CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate) Checker. These technologies are essential in fostering transparency and upholding the integrity of the marine sector, protecting both the rights of seafarers and maritime security. 

Click on this link to verify your CDC on DG Shipping website

Dg Shipping FAQs

The Directorate General of Shipping is India’s statutory maritime authority, which ensures the safety of life and ships at sea, prevents marine pollution, and oversees the shipping industry’s regulation and development.

DG Shipping is responsible for implementing shipping policies and legislation, coordinating maritime education and training, regulating employment and welfare of seamen, and ensuring that ships comply with international and national safety standards.

You can apply for seafarer’s documentation such as Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) and Certificates of Competency (CoC) through the DG Shipping’s e-governance portal, where you can register and submit the necessary documents.

Information on approved maritime training institutes can be found on the DG Shipping’s official website under the maritime training section, where details about courses, certifications, and training schedules are provided.

DG Shipping ensures the safety of navigation by enforcing regulations that adhere to international conventions like SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) and MARPOL (Marine Pollution), and by conducting inspections and certifications of ships.

DG Shipping offers various online services including seafarer registration, examination scheduling, e-learning courses, ship registration, and grievance redressal through its e-governance platform.

You can verify the authenticity of seafarer documentation such as CDC and CoC through the DG Shipping’s official website by using the document verification tools provided.

DG Shipping implements and enforces international and national environmental standards, including those pertaining to oil pollution prevention, garbage management, and ballast water management.

You can contact DG Shipping through their official contact details provided on the website, which includes specific departments, email addresses, and phone numbers for more directed assistance.

Ship registration can be completed through the DG Shipping portal, where ship owners need to provide the necessary documents and details for registration as per the Merchant Shipping Act.

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