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INDoS Related Problems

What is INDoS?

  • The INDOS (Indian National Database of Seafarers) is a computerized system that helps authorities and employers easily access seafarer information.
  • Its main goal is to provide a quick way for organizations like flag state, port state, immigration, and employers to check seafarer details.
  • The system stores important information such as the seafarer’s name, photo, signature, address, and phone number.
  • Each seafarer is given a unique INDoS number, made up of eight letters and numbers.
  • The first two numbers show the year the INDOS number was issued, and the next two letters indicate the seafarer’s category, like N for Nautical Officer or E for Engineer Officer.
  • The last four digits are a unique number specific to the seafarer.
  • This INDoS number appears on all of the seafarer’s documents and certificates and stays the same even if their category changes.