what is enthalpy

What is enthalpy?/ what is latent heat of fusion? what is latent heat of vapourisation? / Which is more dangerous for you: 100℃ water or 100℃ steam?What is enthalpy?

Enthalpy is the total amount of heat energy in a thermodynamic system.

We are understanding this cycle with the help of the temperature enthalpy graph. To understand this concept let 1 kg of ice at -23℃ convert into 200℃ superheated steam.

From -23℃ to 0℃ ice gets heated and slowly increases its temperature and it comes in 0℃ ice first. then it converts its state from ice to water.

From -23℃ to 0℃ of 1 kg ice heating process takes near about 48 KJ of heat energy.

Then this again gets heated and 0℃ ice state changes into 0℃ water. Here 333 KJ of heat energy is required to convert into 0℃ water. This is called the latent heat of fusion. On further heating, the 0℃ water and raising its temperature to 100℃ requires 430 KJ of heat energy.

To convert 100℃ 1 kg of water to 100°C steam takes around 2267 KJ of heat. This is called the latent heat of vaporisation.

At 100℃ when all have been converted into steam, now superheating starts from 100℃ to 200℃ steam and takes approximately 300 KJ of heat energy.Heating from 0℃ water to 100℃ water takes 30 minutes time and 430 KJ of heat energy. and 100℃ water to 100℃ steam takes 5 times the heat energy and time. From 100℃ steam to 200℃ superheat steam takes 300 KJ of heat energy and takes less time.

Which is more dangerous for you: 100℃ water or 100℃ steam?

100℃ steam is more dangerous for you because there is more heat energy (Enthalpy) present at this temperature. 100℃ steam has 2267 KJ of heat energy more than 100℃ water. For this reason, 100℃ steam is more dangerous than 100℃ water.


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