Why is Boiler Gauge glass mounted on Ship’s boiler? Why are two gauge glass mounted simultaneously on the Boiler?
Boiler Gauge glass is also known as water-level gauge glass. We know that if water is not available inside the boiler and still heat is being applied in such conditions the boiler tubes will melt down. So water in the boiler drum is a must for the safe working of the boiler. For securing the boiler from the aforementioned incidents we have a mounting on the steam drum of the boiler which is Boiler gauge glass that is used to visualize the level of water vs steam present inside the steam drum of the boiler.
It is fitted at the two tapping on the steam drum, one tapping is on the waterside and the other is on the steam side.
The boiler gauge has one steam cock (connected with steam side tapping), one water cock (connected with waterside tapping) and both are connected with a glass tube in which water from the water cock pushes the steam up and steam from the steam cock pushes the water down. So the level of the steam Vs water is visualized there in a glass tube. One drain cock is fitted at the bottom of the glass tube. All three cock in gauge glass are ball-type cock.
One lamp is fitted between the water cock and drain cock for clear visualization of the level markings at the glass tube.
Q) Why are there two Boiler Gauge glasses fitted on the steam drum?
On the steam drum, we have two gauge glasses fitted for the accuracy of the reading of the level of water for the safety of the boiler. If any dirty or scum got stuck at any of the cock of a gauge glass then it will visualize the incorrect reading because the fluid flow will not take place through the cock. In this case, we are fitting two Gauge Glass Side by Side.
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